Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Poll - How can we best communicate with you?

So, PVC members. We know you're busy people. While we know that while our *ahem* award-winning events are exciting, scintillating affairs, we also know you can't always attend.

So we're trying to record and share more from our events. Witness the shared slides from our National Preview event here, here, here, & here. (Unfortunately, our attempts to film the talks were plagued with such bad sound quality that we may not be able to share them with you. Any PVC members with video skills and equipment are encouraged to contact us!

However, we'd like to hear from you. What media are best for you experiencing events you missed (or reviewing ones you did attend)?

Please choose your top two or three choices-- and feel free to add other options in "other" on this poll, or comments below this post.

Also, if you have any other suggestions on how we can improve this year, please let us know.

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